
Greater Sacramento


The region is #2 in the U.S. 相对贫困率下降幅度最大,经济包容性排名第四

Sacramento, CA – The 2024 Brookings Institution Metro Rankings, 通过五个关键指标——增长——分析了美国54个最大城市10年来的经济表现, prosperity, overall inclusion, 种族包容和地域包容——凸显了大萨克拉门托地区显著的经济进步. 该地区在2023年有三项指标排在前35名之外, it is now in the top 20 for every measure in 2024.

In a remarkable advancement from the previous year, the region has improved its standings across several key areas:

  • Prosperity: Prosperity has seen a substantial boost, moving up 11 places in the rankings from #28 in 2023 to #17 in 2024. Notably, 目前,该地区的相对贫困率下降幅度位居全国第二(-5%)。, a testament to the region’s improvements in economic equity.
  • Inclusion: 该地区的包容性也有了显著提高,在全国排名第四. The median income in the region’s underserved neighborhoods grew by $7,232. The racial employment gap rate decreased by 4.3% and the racial poverty gap decreased by 3.8%,显示出该地区在缩小经济差距方面取得的进展. 该地区的地理包容性也从2023年的第14位上升到现在的第3位。.
  • Growth and Productivity: 该报告的一大亮点是萨克拉门托城市生产总值(GMP)的增长。, which has surged by 34.2% from 2012 – 2022. This leap is supported by a 13.4% change in Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) productivity and a 14.8% increase in the average annual wage.

“这些数据的突出之处在于,我们不仅看到了令人难以置信的经济增长, 但我们的发展方式为该地区的居民创造了公平的机会, regardless of their background or zip code,” said Barry Broome, President & CEO of Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC). “This progress is a testament to the work of the 40+ CEOs, 22个社区和高等教育机构是GSEC董事会成员, 在过去的9年里,谁团结在包容性经济增长的共同愿景周围.”

Additionally, the region saw a 47.8% increase in jobs at young firms during the same period, 说明创业和创业对该地区就业和经济活力的深刻影响. 在过去的五年里,120亿美元的增长资本已经投入到该地区.

这些进步标志着该地区官方十大网投网址的重要篇章. 从成为十大网投官方入口最后的地铁到在2008年经济衰退中恢复所有失去的工作, 成为该州第二快的主要地铁,到2022年实现大流行后的全面就业复苏, this monumental turnaround highlights how, since its inception in 2015, GSEC及其董事会加强了经济基础并使其多样化, 提升地区整体竞争地位,打造强劲经济.

“这些成就凸显了该地区坚定不移地致力于促进包容性经济,从而提升了我们在全国排名中的地位. 萨克拉门托州立大学以站在促进多样性的前沿而自豪, access, success, and excellence in every aspect of our institution,” Sacramento State President Luke Wood said. 在十大网投官方入口州立大学系统的23个校区中,萨克拉门托州立大学的黑人/非裔美国学生入学率最高. 我们的大学还建立了全国第一个黑人荣誉学院(BHC)。, which is an enhanced co-curricular college for students. 我们的地区是为每个人提供无障碍和机会的光辉典范,并将继续以身作则.”

大萨克拉门托地区正经历着前所未有的官方十大网投网址势头. 在过去的两年里,中国在半导体行业的投资猛增 Solidigm bringing its global headquarters to Rancho Cordova, Bosch investing $1.5 billion to establish its first U.S. chip manufacturing facility in Roseville and Samsung opening a semiconductor R&D office in Folsom. 此外,该地区的生命科学产业也在不断扩大Orca Bio’s 在萨克拉门托建造一个10万平方英尺的商业设施和十大网投官方入口大学戴维斯分校的1美元.5 billion life science research park scheduled to open in 2025.


About the Greater Sacramento Economic Council

大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. 该组织带头以社区为导向,以留住、吸引、 grow and scale tradable sectors, 在六县区域内发展先进产业,创造就业和投资. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方和州政府、市场领导者、 influencers 以及利益相关者,他们的唯一使命是推动包容性经济增长. The Greater Sacramento region was founded on discovery, built on leadership and fueled by innovation. 

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